Attorneys of Hoelscher Gebbia Cepeda PLLC walking


Protecting Your Family’s Future: How a San Antonio Family Law Attorney Can Help You Navigate Family Law Matters


Family law is one of the most delicate areas of the Texas legal system because it usually involves highly complex, emotionally charged, and contentious issues. When working with the San Antonio family law attorney at Hoelscher Gebbia Cepeda PLLC, we can assure you that we understand the delicacy, experience, skills, and professionalism required to navigate… read more

What Are The Different Types of Spousal Support?


Alimony or spousal support, known officially as spousal maintenance in Texas, is not guaranteed in all divorce cases. But when one of the spouses is considered incapable of financially supporting themselves while going through the divorce or after the divorce, a judge may consider ordering spousal maintenance for that spouse. Divorcing couples may also agree… read more

Most Dangerous Federal Crimes Committed in Texas


Texas is a large state with a rich history and a very diverse population. Unfortunately, just like any other U.S. state, it also has its fair share of criminal activity. While no “safe” crimes exist, some are more dangerous for various reasons than others. Some of the most dangerous federal crimes committed by those in… read more

What Happens if You Hide Assets in a Texas Divorce


One of the first steps in getting a divorce is identifying all assets belonging to each spouse and the marriage. Sometimes, before this step can happen, a spouse will take steps to hide assets so that they can keep them after the divorce is final. Spouses who suspect their soon-to-be ex is taking these measures… read more

Common Examples of Child Abuse & Neglect in Texas


Texas laws protect children, one of our most vulnerable populations, from abuse and neglect. Still, far too many children suffer abuse and neglect each year. Abuse and neglect of children can take on many forms, and it’s essential to understand the differences between each. Childhood Physical Abuse Examples of physical child abuse include any or… read more