Attorneys of Hoelscher Gebbia Cepeda PLLC walking


What Does Paternity Mean for Custody?


What Does Paternity Mean for Custody? What does paternity mean for your custody case? How is it determined, and what happens once it is established? Find out more. The results are in — you ARE the father! We all know those famous lines from shows such as Maury. But paternity is a serious issue when it… read more

How Much Does a DWI Cost in Texas?


Don’t get caught unprepared when facing DWI charges. Here is the answer to the question, “How much does a DWI cost in the state of Texas?” The state of Texas takes driving while intoxicated seriously. In fact, it’s the 13th strictest state in the nation. Getting in DWI in Texas will result in license suspensions, possible jail… read more

Foster to Adopt Texas: Your Step-By-Step Guide Through the Transition


Foster to Adopt Texas: Your Step-By-Step Guide Through the Transition Foster to adopt Texas laws can be tough to navigate. Here is a step-by-step guide through the process. There are currently over 3,000 children available for adoption through the foster care system in Texas. Over 29,000 children are in the state’s foster care system. If you feel… read more

What Are the Consequences of a 2nd DWI in Texas?


What Are the Consequences of a 2nd DWI in Texas? A first DWI is bad, but a second DWI can have even more serious consequences. Here are the legal effects of getting a 2nd DWI in Texas. Known for being the 13th strictest state in the nation when it comes to DWI laws, Texas takes drunk… read more

Your Ultimate Guide to Laws About DWI in Texas


Everything’s bigger in Texas. It’s the most tired, overused cliche on the books. But it’s true. We’ve got bigger roads and more of them. Bigger vehicles and more of them. Along with that comes bigger, broader DWI laws. DWI in Texas is a big criminal offense with big criminal penalties. Driving drunk in Texas is… read more